Property Description
The Cascades Sonrise Apartments, previously known as: Sonrise Senior Citizens Villa was built in 1987 as a senior citizen 80-unit affordable housing community located at 7222 Sierra, Ave in Fontana, CA 92336. The community is in the 35th Congressional District of California. The organization from its inception has maintained full occupancy along with an extensive waiting list. Since this property was built using funding through HUD’s Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program, residency is restricted to persons who earn 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or less. Like other rental assistance programs like Section 8, residents’ rents are based on their income and the tenant contribution is set at 30% of the tenant’s income.
Cascade Sonrise Senior Villas Property Details
Phone: (909) 355-8522 | Email: [email protected]
Address: 7222 Sierra Avenue
City: Fontana | ZIP: 92336
Region: Los Angeles