Special Needs AmenitiesThe John Stewart Company is the largest private manager of supportive housing, “special needs” housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing in California. These properties provide both affordable housing and specialized supportive services to a wide range of target populations, including formerly homeless, mentally ill, physically disabled, HIV/AIDS and substance dependent households.

JSCo emphasizes program development for residents at all of its properties, but this is especially important at supportive housing projects. Programs include working with public agencies and non-profit organizations to provide direct services through on-site personnel or providing information and referrals to outside agencies.

Depending upon project size, location, and resident profile, JSCo can work with public and non-profit service agencies to provide specialized staff such as social workers, counselors, computer center instructors, recreation coordinators, health practitioners, educators, and gerontologists. on and offsite. Providing access to information and services is an important part of JSCo’s commitment to supporting healthful independence among our residents.

Bay Area

Arc Apartments
San Francisco

Sacramento Area

Shasta Hotel (SRO)