The John Stewart Company (JSC0) and its partners are pleased to have closed escrow, purchased and begun the conversion of the Arden Star Motel in Sacramento to 124 units of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for unhoused seniors. Per the attached press release (Homekey Funding), JSCo and its nonprofit partner (Hope Cooperative: RESLILENCE. CONNECTION. TRANSFORMATION. – Hope Cooperative) were awarded crucial funding by the State of California Housing and Community Development for the project, which is being combined with funding from the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency and the County of Sacramento for this much-needed effort. Conversion and renovation will be completed in February 2025 and will include a new elevator for improved accessibility, office space for resident supportive services, and an onsite dog park for residents with pets. JSCo is happy to be helping address the critical need for more supportive housing for homeless seniors in California!