Requester's NameRequester's Email Employee nameTitleClock Number (enter NA if not available)Expected Start Date Month Day Year Work Location (property name or corporate office)RegionProperties - SAC RegionProperties - SB RegionProperties - SF RegionProperties - LA RegionRegional - SACRegional - SBRegional - SFRegional - LABoston Post Access Yes No Please list properties to be assigned to the new accountMRI Access Yes No The New Hire will receive a email address using their first and last name. Do they also need access to a property mailbox? Yes No Property MailboxNexus Access Yes No Yardi Access Yes No Do they need to be issued a new phone or existing phone? New Phone Existing Phone COMPUTERDo they need a new computer? Yes No Will they be taking over someone else's computer, requiring a new profile setup? Yes No System Type Laptop Desktop Do they need any computer peripherals? Keyboard/Mouse Set Monitor Setup location – WFH, in-office locationNew Employee Mobile Phone NumberRequired for account Multi-Factor Authentication setup Please list any specific SharePoint folder access the user will requirePHONE REASSIGNMENT FORMPhone NumberWipe Phone? Yes No NEW PHONE ORDERProperty SITE IDProperty Shipping AddressNotesAdditional Notes Δ